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Ethel (Confidential)

By Ethel No Comments

Dear Diary, So, everybody knows that Jessi isn’t my REAL mom, right? Right. Calling her ‘mom’ makes her think she my boss (whatever) Prime example – my dental yesterday. Did I need to get my teeth cleaned? Absolutely not. Humans are such fuss budgets. So annoying. Yesterday morning I didn’t get breakfast. (clue number one). Then Bailey tried to give…

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Ethel (Confidential)

By Ethel No Comments

Dear Diary Overheard a client telling my mom that writing down ‘feelings’ in a journal or a diary is a good way to deal with challenges or remind yourself what makes you happy. I thought, “What the heck? If its good for humans its probably better for dogs.” Easy assignment actually, I am pretty clear about how I’m feeling. All…

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